Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Post!

Hello this is Kate (Katherine) Grable.
My school assigned to me an extended project, on any given topic that fit their criterion. 
This will be my first entry for my personal project assigned. Before deciding what I wanted to do, I tried getting advice from the upper grades who had already experienced the excruciatingly elongated project, and the number one bit of advice i'd received from them was to pick something I enjoyed doing.
 Unfortunately... I forgot to use this advice when picking my project. I came up with combining a song with photography and creating the music video, so I wrote that down as my outline for my project. I had been deliberating for a while whether this idea was something I was really interested in doing after remembering the advice given to me, so I decided to change my idea. 
I have always been a food lover... likely from my french/italian heritage. I've entertained the idea of being a chef since I can remember, and i've always immensely enjoyed cooking for my family in the past. 
I've decided to use this love for cooking, to research and create the 'perfect' '3 course meal. 
This blog will guide you through essentially my every thought-process and researching when deciding what to make.
At the very end of all my researching and the meal, then I will videotape each person that i've invited to the meal, to give a structured review of the meal. 
As a clarification, I would define a 'perfect' meal as being completely from scratch, using no frozen/processed foods, having flavors that blend very well together, and lastly a meal with balanced nutrition. I will be incorporating all these aspects into one, to create a so-called 'perfect' meal. I decided to include one component into my meal that would add a uniqueness to the meal. I will research this component, and then incorporate it into one of my courses. 
I've decided that my component will be including a sweet/salty foods into one of my courses. 
I will explain later how this component works, and I will do extensive research on the component. 

I want to use my ability and love for cooking, to bring joy to other people. So let's begin! 

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